Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Late Winter Sickies have set in...

Just a few more days until Spring Break, so at least we'll all have a chance to sleep it off soon.

In the meantime, I'm falling asleep in my dinner plate lately, so my usual "knitting after the kids are in bed" is completely out of the no finished objects.

On the other hand, we were craving something sweet after dinner the other night, so the girls and I whipped up a Sugar Pie. (look it up, Sugar Pie is a French-Canadian delicacy which turns sugar, flour, canned milk and lard into dessert) Horrid photography, but I'm impressed that I whipped up a pie crust from scratch in 10 minutes and Ellery managed to cook up the filling during the same time. And, get was delicious...the crust (if I do say so myself) was flaky and perfect.


At 12:19 PM, Blogger Ruinwen Dagorielle said...

Such a beautiful pie! :) Hope you get some energy back soon.

At 6:46 PM, Blogger Melody said...

Looks tasty! Spring break is here and the kids are at their grandma's and the house is quiet and aside from my pinched nerve, life is good!


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